This is the final week in our series “Supercharge your Practice”. In this week's blog we will be looking at the importance of taking a video (or other recording) regularly as part of your practice routine.
Why take a video?
The importance of taking a video cannot be understated. Most of us get uncomfortable in front of a camera when we have to, never mind choosing to actually record ourselves. The simple reason for this, generally speaking, is that we don’t always like the results when we take a video.
Video recording, in its most simple form, is simply a record of something that has happened. It records who was involved and what they did in accurate detail from the perspective of the camera. To put it simply, cameras don’t lie. They are only capable of capturing what is put in front of them. Yes, there are filters and other tricks that can be used to “alter” a video (either during or after the recording takes place).
However, these filters don’t actually change the content of the video, rather they put a mask on it.
The simple, honest and unfiltered version of even the best videos allow us to see what we
really look, sound and perform like. That’s uncomfortable.
It’s not all bad news though. If we can learn to get over this discomfort and insecurity we actually have the most invaluable form of feedback made available to us. This is feedback that can help us see, feel and hear things that need to change in performance and will help make us better musicians - isn’t that the whole reason we practise in the first place? Additionally, we can also see the areas of our playing and performance that we have improved on and capture ideas that may come up spontaneously as we practise. A video recording can capture the information and play it back instantly in a way that our brains can’t. We get instant feedback.
A video recording can also serve a significant confidence boost or encouragement where we feel we’ve not performed at our best. I have personally had a number of occasions where I have felt I haven’t performed the way I wanted, only to look back on the video and realise it was nowhere near as bad as I thought (many times it has been even better!)
Embrace the discomfort
“Growth and comfort never coexist.” - Craig Groschel. If we really want to grow and improve as musicians and performers, we need regular, unfiltered and unbiased feedback. Depending on the level of skill will determine how often we may need this feedback, it may be weekly, biweekly or monthly. The simplest way to get such feedback is through a video.
The great thing now with modern smartphones is that we can typically do such a recording completely free and without the help of others just by using our smartphones. Simply position your phone somewhere to view the performance/practice making sure any parts of your instrument or body that you need to see are visible, then record. It doesn’t need to go on social media or the Internet. You don’t even need to keep if you don’t want to (delete it after you’ve watched though). The simple act of videoing yourself, watching it back and taking note of things to work on AND things that have improved, will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your practice and also help to become the musician you are working to become.
Start today
Next time you practice, try using your phone to record a quick 30-60 second video of you playing something you have been working on. Watch it back. Make a few notes (in a journal from last week's blog). Then carry on your practice. You will surprise yourself how effective this method is and how much it will help you to grow.