Starting music lessons is really exciting. Sitting with a new instrument for the first time and being inspired by a great teacher can make students believe anything is possible. However, the rubber hits the road after the lesson when it’s time to practice. Developing the habit of practicing, particularly with younger students, can be challenging. Not everyone enjoys practicing and, like many things in life, we all have days (or longer periods of time) where we don’t want to practice. This article lays out a few tips and tricks we’ve learned here at The Drum Hub to help encourage your child to start, maintain and develop a good practice habit.
1. Practice Should be Encouraged but not Demanded.
This might seem counterintuitive but making practice into an activity a student “has to do” can result in a negative view of practicing. We try to encourage our students to think of practice as something they get to do, not have to do.
2. Get a Clear Plan from Your Teacher.
Knowing that you need to practice is one thing. Knowing what and how to practice is something different. This is where so many students get confused about practice. They know what to do but aren’t always sure how they should be practicing. When a student gets homework, if they can’t describe what they need to do and how they are going to do it; it probably won’t get done. When your child is given homework, always ask them or the their teacher “what do they need to do and how do they need to do it”. It will save lots of time in practice and avoid student staring blankly at their music or instrument rather than growing.
3. Create a Weekly Rhythm for Practice.
Much of our lives have rhythms or patterns to them. Work, school, after school clubs, going to the gym etc generally happen at similar if not the same times on a weekly basis. For practice to become a regular part of life, we need to plan it in. Try having a set time everyday or several times a week dedicated to practice. It doesn’t have to be hours and hours. Little, often and consistently makes a massive difference. Having set times in the week for practice can create a routine (or rhythm) and routine is key for helping good habits form.
4. Encourage Effort not Outcome.
Everyone learns at their own pace and in ways unique to them. It is so important therefore to encourage students for having a go at something. It could be playing a difficult piece with a backing track, finishing an exam piece or technical study (even if its not up to tempo or perfect yet), practicing consistently for a week etc. Acknowledging the small things, especially when something isn’t “finished”, can sometimes be the fuel a student needs to get them over the finish line. It can feel like someone saying “well done, you're on the right track!”.
5. Celebrate Every Accomplishment.
Encouragement is a very powerful motivator. It can be really easy to only celebrate really big and seemingly important things, especially when practicing. However, genuine encouragement and celebration can go a long way to help motivate and inspire a student to keep going. Celebrate as much progress as possible. Every win is a win. Celebrate every finished piece, performance, exam etc. It all adds up and inspires students to keep working hard and making progress.
6. Keep It Fun!
Learning to play a musical instrument is supposed to be fun! Here at The Drum Hub, it is our firm belief that music is fun. Therefore, parts of practicing should be fun too. We actively encourage our students to plan a part of their practice session to playing something fun, or that makes them feel great. It can act as a regular reminder that the love what they doing and inspire them to want to do it more.
7. Keep Instruments in Good Working Order.
There is nothing more demotivating than having to wrestle and cajole your instrument into sounding good every time you sit down to play. Some instruments are easier to maintain than others, but keeping the instrument in proper working order and sounding as good as possible, can be a simple method of removing an obstacle to practice.
8. Get Involved.
As a parent, getting involved with music lessons and practice can be really beneficial. This is more than simply asking what they are learning or practicing, but goes into showing a real interest in what they are learning. One method that may really help with getting involved is getting the student to show you something. Turning them into the teacher gives them a new found level of ownership and confidence. It may also help them understand what they are learning in a new light as they explain it to someone else.
So that is our list of helpful hints. The above breakdown is supposed to be ideas to help get you started as a parent if you're not sure how to help, not a fix all guide. There is no real trick to getting your child to love practicing, they need to fall in love with their instrument for themselves. Sticking with practice though and seeing themselves grow is a great way to help this happen.
What do you think of our list? Have we missed anything? Have any of the above ideas worked really well or not so well for you? Let us know in the comments below.
About The Drum Hub.
The Drum Hub is a specialist drum school based in Wolverhampton UK. We offer 1-to- 1 lessons for students age 6 and above using 2 professional acoustic kits and teaching a wide variety of musical subjects and skills. For more information about The Drum Hub visit